Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"Yeah, Mom Needs to Lose a Little Weight..."

Be careful what you discuss with your 5-year-old!

The other night Kaitlin and I were watching "Extreme Makeover" (not a usual for us)...but it was kind of interesting. Anyway, the individuals they were highlighting all had weight issues and it prompted my to say to Kaitlin that we should start going on our evening walks again. We did this A LOT last the park, to the pool, and just to go for a walk. So far this year, we haven't gotten out much because it's just been so busy, but things have started to slow down now...a little.

Last night, we were getting ready to go for our first long walk to Memorial Park (we went the long way, so it was about three miles round trip) so that Kaitlin could play awhile and I could read awhile. Some friends of ours happened to be walking by our house at the same time. So, we visited for a bit and as I was getting the stroller ready Mike asked, "So, you getting ready to go on a walk?"

Before I could say anything, Kaitlin chimed in, "Yeah, my mom needs to lose a little weight."

Gee, thanks honey. No, that isn't me in the photo and I certainly wasn't feeling so light on air as that woman seems to be after that comment. Good thing she tells me that I'm beautiful out of the blue every now and then...I might just be able to forgive her this little oversight. (But don't think we didn't have a talk about it after our friends continued their walk down the street!) :-)
"Yeah, Mom Needs to Lose a Little Weight..."SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Kiddie Pool Fun

We made a trip to the Kiddie Pool at Memorial Park late last week when it was SOOOO hot...who says it can't break 100 degrees in South Dakota?!

I'm not really sure what she's doing in this picture, but it's still funny!

Just by luck, one of her classmates from Sacred Heart Preschool happened to be there, too, with his dad and sister. Kaitlin was so happy to see him! She hadn't since Preschool graduation back in May.

They really seemed to have a lot of fun chasing each other around the pool!

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Monday, July 9, 2007

Serendipity Kits July Focus on Photography Contest Entries

Two of my three submitted photos made it into judging for the Serendipity Kits July Focus on Photography Contest. You might recognize them:

The first is titled "My Little Czech Girl" and the second "Fireworks." Yah, not too creative there, I know. Anyway, if you like them, please head on over and put in a vote for me! I think the voting is only open through tomorrow evening (Tuesday, the 10th). No site login or registration is required to vote. Vote here (scroll down a bit on the main page). Thanks!
Serendipity Kits July Focus on Photography Contest EntriesSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sunday, July 8, 2007

SSFS #23 - Jesh de Rox Fine Art Photography

I came across a beautiful website earlier this week that I thought I would share with you as a bit of inspiration. Jesh De Rox is a fine art photographer that lives in Western Canada and, as you will see from his gorgeous website, he prides himself in getting to know his clients. Even your journey through his portraits is somewhat customed tailored to you personality...or at least your mood at the moment.

I am sure you will will enjoy his photography as well as his site. This guy is talented on so many levels...if you look deep enough, you'll also find that he's also a very gifted musician. Please visit and come back to let me know what you thought.
SSFS #23 - Jesh de Rox Fine Art PhotographySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Gravel Lines by Amy Seeley

Why does it always seem that I manage to find (and fall in love with) the most obscure and hard to find songs!! This song is called "Gravel Lines" by Amy Seeley. Case in point:

Let me know what you think of the song.
Gravel Lines by Amy SeeleySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Friday, July 6, 2007

Way Funny! Courses for Men & Women

I found these on James S. Huggins' Refrigerator Door and just had to share...some are just way too funny. Simply for your enjoyment, I've highlighted the ones for which I feel my hubby should sign up (I apologize if it's a little too much information on a couple). I am sure that he would certainly be able to highlight a few he wishes I would take, too, but we won't talk about that. :-)

Courses for Men
Taught by women, for men.

101 - Combating Stupidity
102 - You Too Can Do Housework
103 - P.M.S. - Learning When To Keep Your Mouth Shut
104 - How To Fill An Ice Cube Tray
105 - We Do Not Want Sleazy Underthings for Christmas - Give Us Money
106 - Understanding the Female Response To You Coming In Drunk At 4 AM
107 - Wonderful Laundry Techniques (Formerly "Don't Wash My Silks")
108 - Parenting - No, It Doesn't End With Conception
109 - Get a Life - Learn How To Cook
110 - How Not To Act Like a Butthead When You Are Obviously Wrong
111 - Spelling - Even You Can Get It Right
112 - Understanding Your Financial Incompetence
113 - You - The Weaker Sex
114 - Reasons To Give Flowers
115 - How To Stay Awake After
116 - Why It Is Unacceptable To Relieve Yourself Anywhere But the Bathroom
117 - Garbage - Getting It To the Curb
118A - You Can Fall Asleep Without It If You Really Try
118B - The Morning Dilemma - If It's Awake, Take a Shower
119 - The Weekend and Sports Are Not Synonymous
120 - How To Put The Toilet Seat Down
121 - How To Go Shopping With Your Mate and Not Get Lost
122 - The Remote Control - Overcoming Your Dependency
123 - Helpful Postural Hints For Couch Potatoes
124 - How Not To Act Younger Than Your Children
125 - You Too Can Be a Designated Driver
126 - Honest, You Don't Look Like Mel Gibson, Especially When Naked
127 - Changing Your Underwear - It Really Works
128 - The Attainable Goal - Omitting %@#*! From Your Vocabulary
129 - Fluffing the Blankets After Farting is Not Necessary
130 - Real Men Ask For Directions
131 - How To Take Illness Like a Man

Courses for Women
Taught by men, for women.

101 - Avoiding Walking in Front of the TV
102 - Doing Housework Without Complaining
103 - Shopping: Buying What You Can Afford, Not What You Can Charge
104 - Going to The Washroom Alone (formerly Coping Without My Friends)
105 - Understanding the Male Response to "Do I Look OK?"
106 - Exercise: How it Keeps You from Looking Like Your Mother
107 - Learning How to Initiate Intimacy
108 - How to Apologize When You Are Obviously Wrong
109 - Understanding the Male Response to "Am I Fat?"
110 - Dishwashers: Rinsing Before Is Not a Must
111 - The Toilet Seat: I Can Learn to Put It Down Too
112 - Using the Thesaurus: Alternatives to "Make Love"
113 - "The Weekend" and "Long Boring Walks" Are Not Synonymous
114 - How to Go Shopping With Your Mate and Not Embarrass Him
115 - The Remote Control: Don't Touch What You Can't Handle
116 - You Too Can Be the One to Hang Up the Phone
117 - Honest, You Don't Look Like Kim Bassinger - But You're Acceptable
118 - Hairspray: The Effects On The Ecosystem (formerly One Can Is Enough)
119 - Runs In Your Nylons? It's Not the End of the World
120 - Fishing: Being Able to Bait Your Own Hook
121 - Intimacy: More Than Just Lying There
122 - Learning to Choose What to Wear In Less Than Four Hours
123 - Vacations: Doing Without 4 Suitcases
124 - Makeup: The Less is More Theory
125 - Nagging: Stop the Insanity!
Did anyone else happen to notice that there are fewer offerings under 'Courses for Women'? We must just need less work! :-)
Way Funny! Courses for Men & WomenSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July Fun & Fireworks

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! We sure got our share of fireworks. Of course, my favorite photo of Kaitlin for the day turned out way too dark...tried to 'save' it...not sure if it was successful or not:

Kaitlin kept telling everyone, "I'm a little fire cracker!" with the biggest grin!

I got some good fireworks shots again this year...

For some strange reason, the couple that have the burst only half the way in the picture really appeal to me. Just different, I suppose.

4th of July Fun & FireworksSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend