Thursday, April 30, 2009
:QUOTES: on COLOR according to Shikibu, Hofmann, & Miró
"Beauty without colour seems somehow to belong to another world." (from The Tale of Genji)
HANS HOFMANN (1880-1960; painter):
"The whole world, as we experience it visually, comes to us through the mystic realm of color."
JOAN MIRÓ (1893-1983; Spanish painter, sculptor):
"I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music."
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
- Layouts must be new and created for this challenge.
- Upload to your favorite online gallery and leave a link in the comments of the corresponding Daily Inspirations announcement post. A link back to AMOM's Daily Inspirations in your gallery posting would be greatly appreciated, although not required to win. If you do not upload to online galleries, you may email your entry to me at [email protected] (images should be 100K or less, please).
- In comment link or email, please include your name, email and challenge square used for the entry.
- Entries are due by the 5th of the following month. May entries are due June 5th.
- Challenge squares may be combined onto one layout if you wish, but only one chance will be given per layout entry. The more challenge squares you complete, the more chances you have to win!
- A random drawing will be conducted to determine the monthly winner and will be notified by email as well as being announced on the blog.
The complete Cosmo Cricket Dutch Girl Paper Crafting Kit!
Download the FREE MAY 2009 DAILY INSPIRATIONS now and start scrapping!!
REMINDER: It's not too late for your chance to be inspired and win the April 2009 Daily Inspirations prize! Layouts can be submitted until Tuesday, May 5th, 11:59 PM (CST) for a chance to win some amazing Making Memories goodies!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
:REVIEW: Get Creative with Type by Brian Tippetts
It doesn't take long after flipping through a few issues of Creating Keepsakes magazine to realize this editor-in-chief's primary passion when it comes to crafting - TYPE!
In his recent book, Get Creative with Type: Fun Typography Ideas and Tips for Scrapbooking, Brian shares his passion for and immense knowledge of type so that we can step up our own use of type and, in turn, greatly enhance our own creations.
In his opening remarks, Tippetts states:
"Scrapbooking and design go hand in hand. As designers and scrapbookers, we use color, pattern, texture, repitiion, focus, context, shape, proportion, photography and type to convey our message."
Tippetts divided his book into 3 sections:
Section 1 - Design
- Explains key terms in the realm of typography
- Shows how typography can be used as a design element
- Gives examples of how type can be enhances by use of color, punctuation and more
Section 2 - Style
- Discusses the use of specific typefaces for themed pages and projects including birthdays, weddings, babies, holidays, travel and heritage
- Contributing artists name their favorite typefaces for these types of themed projects and where to find them (many are available for free download online)
- Gives examples of places to look for type inspiration and how to incorporate that inspiration into your own crafting such as brochures, logos, art, product packaging and more
- Offers interesting ways to use text as a major design element on a page or proect using shape
- Explores unique and different mediums for adding type to your pages and projects
Section 3 - Cool Techniques
- Shows several examples of amazing typography projects and how they can be translated to a scrapbook layout
- Offers creative digital techniques such as creating your own text patterned paper to journaling along a path
- Explores hybrid techniques (combining digital and traditioanl techniques for creating stunning text effects)
- Shows that 'traditional' type techniques don't need to be boring
- Gives samples of numerous beautiful home decor projects using type as the main design element
The book contains over 100 stunning layouts, cards, home decor projects and more created by Brian himself as well as the following well-known artists: Ali Edwards, Elizabeth Kartchner, Laura Kurz, Amanda Probst, Heidi Swapp, Maggie Holmes, Amy Martin, Jessica Sprague, Mou Saha, Deena Wuest, Kelly Purkey, and Nicole LaRue.
The book also comes with a CD packed with great elements - fonts, templates, text paths, screen saves, and some of the great designs found in the book that you can print and use for your own creations!!
Visit the Get Creative with Type page at You can also read more of my reviews for other recommendations.
Computer Tricks for Scrapbooking 3 by Jessica Sprague
Monday, April 27, 2009
:CRAFTING: Man Made Card
Not only did this video really give me a good laugh, but it also made me wonder something...
What does your husband think of your crafting - scrapbooking, knitting, stamping...whatever it may be?
My husband teases me about my scrapbooking sometimes, but overall, he's really pretty supportive. I think that he is really pretty impressed by some of the layouts that I create and also thinks it's pretty cool that I've had some published.
How about yours?? No about filling us in on what your boyfriend, roommate or family in general thinks?? Take the poll:
Please feel free to elaborate in the comments as well. I love to hear the details!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
:CROP: My first crop...
At first, I thought for sure that I must have heard wrong because I live in South Dakota and I don't think we've ever had a 'celebrity' scrapper even enter our state before let alone speak/teach at a crop. But, I checked out the website and sure enough, there they were in the presenters list!
I was thrilled!
Now, I have been scrapping for about seven years now and I have never been to a crop.
Yup, you heard right...never been to a crop. (I think that is somewhat of a sacrilege for a serious scrapper, isn't it?)
The main reason I've never gone to a crop is that I always felt a little overwhelmed in terms of knowing what to take. I have a lot of stuff and I'm the type of scrapper that never really knows what's going to end up on a layout until I'm in the thick of it, ya know.
Despite all this, I knew that I couldn't pass up the opportunity to meet and learn from Stacy and Wendy, so I recruited my sister and a couple of her scrapbooking friends to share the crop table and hotel costs and we all signed up! (And thank goodness 'cause I'm certainly going to need the help since I'm likely to still be on crutches...dumb things!)
So, in just a couple weeks, I will be attending my first ever crop!
I'm feeling both excited and anxious.
The excited part is obvious.
The anxious part is due to the fact that I have to try to figure out what to pack!
The first step was having something to pack in considering very little of my current storage solutions can be considered 'mobile'.
But, I think I found just the thing...or at least the start of it...and if you'll follow me on my journey of my first ever crop, I'll be sharing with you the shopping, the packing and the experience of my very first crop with all of you here on my blog in the coming weeks.
Stay tuned!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
:READERS: An email that made my day...
It was from a beginning scrapbooker named Dionne and she had received a link from a friend (thanks, friend!) to this post on my blog.
She felt inspired and decided to use the 'Peace' layout to create her own frameable art as a gift for her mother. She used the word 'Nana' instead of 'Peace' and used a beautiful collection of vintage purple patterns.
Dionne said that it turned so beautifully that her mother couldn't believe she had made it and brought her to tears.
Dionne commented that she had never emailed anyone that she didn't know before, but I am so glad she did take the time to share her story...
Thanks, Dionne, and keep crafting!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
:QUOTES: for Earth Day
"There is hope if people will begin to awaken that spiritual part of themselves, that heartfelt knowledge that we are caretakers of this planet."
"I conceive that the land belongs to a vast family of which many are dead, few are living, and countless numbers are still unborn."
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
:MEME: Introduce Yourself!
I’m taking a cue from my friend, Erika, over at Scrapbook Obsession today. She posed five questions…here are my answers…
1. First name, part of the world you’re from, and about your family, your job, etc.
Hi, my name is Jill. I am from Yankton, SD. I am married (for almost 10 years now) with a beautiful and talented 6 year-old daughter. I’d love to say I make my living scrapping, but instead I work as an Enrollment Counselor for a private college and enjoy my work very much most days.
2. How long have you been scrapbooking and why/how did you start?
My scrap-start-story is very much like that of my most admired celebrity scrapper, Ali Edwards. Like Ali, I began scrapping in 2002 as the result of the birth of my first child (hers was a boy though).
3. Are you now a paper scrapper, hybrid, or digital?
Although I have certainly collected digital scrapbooking elements, I really have not desire to go digital. I love playing with paper and chipboard and stickers and photos too much! However, I often create custom embellishments, type journaling and enhance photos on my computer, so I suppose that makes me just a little hybrid.
4. How often do you scrapbook these days?
Not nearly as much as I would like…that whole work thing gets in the way! :-) (Broken legs don’t help either!) I try to get a minimum of 4 layouts per month done though…
5. Your friends and family would say you are…..? Give us 5 random things.
This is probably the hardest question…I’m pretty sure that they would say that I am creative, completely addicted to scrapbooking, sarcastic, and that I don’t call my parents enough (sorry, mom). I would hope that they would say I am a good mother.
Your turn…
Monday, April 20, 2009
:FIVE FAVES: for Earth Day
There are several manufacturers 'going green' and there are even more adorable nature-themed products out there.
Will you creating anything special in honor of the earth?
#1 - Martha Stewart Crafts - Craft Punch - Maple Leaf
These sweet little leaves would add the perfect punch (please excuse the pun...I couldn't help myself) to any earth-loving layout .
#2 - Carolee's Creations - Adornit - Rae Collection - 12 x 12 Paper - Song Bird
Not only do the earthy tones of this sheet of patterned paper having a soothing effect, but the silhouetted branches and birds bring a sense of calm as well.
#3 - Tattered Angels - Creme de Chocolate Glimmer Chips - Self Adhesive Chipboard Ornaments - Nature
I am in love with the instricate detailing displayed in these chipboard dragonflies, owls and butterflies!
#4 - Prima - Wildwood Collection - Wood and Mulberry Flowers - Rugosa
The delicate fibers and fabrics used to create these flowers give them an amazingly natural appearance.
#5 - Sassafras Lass - Serendipity - Clear Stamps - Woodland Creatures
Who says nature comes only in muted tones?! These adorable, and brightly colored, animals and flowers are perfect for a little infusion of color.
For more favorite Earth Day picks, see the additional items listed in my right sidebar.
Friday, April 17, 2009
:DAILY INSPIRATIONS: April 2009 reminder...
I will be accepting submissions until Tuesday, May 5th, 2009 and the winner will be announced on the 6th...have fun creating!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
:LINKS: Some random inspiration...
Hope you enjoy them, too!
I don't know about you, but there have been countless times that I've finished a layout and put it away only to realize that I didn't include a date on it anywhere. Denise offers some great ideas for including this important little piece of data on your layouts.
Want your own handwriting to become the next 'Ali's Writing' font? This is the place to go!
Not necessarily scrapbook related, but I found this site very interesting in terms of using a photographic representation of a word. Very interesting, indeed.
I have definitely fallen in love with the design aspect of scrapping and am always on the lookout for interesting resources...interactive stuff is always fun!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
:QUOTES: on PERSEVERANCE by Ben Okri, Thomas Paine, & Joshua J. Marine
I get a daily quote in my inbox every day.
I love quotes...
In just the past week, I have gotten the following three quotes...I think someone is trying to tell me something...
BEN OKRI (b. 1959; poet, novelist):What do you think?
“The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering.”THOMAS PAINE (1737-1809; author, revolutionary, pamphleteer)
“The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection.”
JOSHUA J. MARINE:“Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
:SPONSOR: NEW - niklindesigns at Etsy
Nicole has some simply stunning paper die-cut designs that would add a custom look to any crafting projects!
In her store now:
**300 scrolls in various colors, sizes and shapes
**new 12x12 die cut papers
**new designs
**new colors
**new $20 kits available each week
WOULD YOU LIKE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT BECOMING A SPONSOR OF THE AMOM BLOG? If so, please contact me and I would be happy to provide you with further details.
Monday, April 13, 2009
:REVIEW: The Busy Scrapbooker by Courtney Walsh
I, unfortunately, am not so lucky. I work full-time outside the home and have all the wife and mom responsibilities to take care of when I get home, so my scrap time is limited.
I am sure that many of you reading this can relate.
That's why I was so excited when I heard about Courtney Walsh's book - The Busy Scrapper: Making The Most Of Your Scrapbooking Time - earlier this year.
The book is divided into 6 chapters:
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
This chapter has two parts - taking stock of what you already hae and getting what you have organized.
The first section recognizes that having limited time to scrap may also mean that you need to go with the basics as far as supplies are concerned - cardstock, patterned paper, writing tools, embellishments, cutting tools, adhesives and albums.
Personally, I also think it means understanding your preferences. For example, there's simply no sense in having a plethora of embossing tools, powders, and such if you don't have the time (and/or patience) to actually use them on your projects.
Even more important than knowing what you have is knowing where to find it. Being able to find and use the supplies and tools you want quickly is key to being a fast scrapper and Walsh offers some simple plans for fast organization.
Chapter 2 - Making Art Fast
This chapeter includes 22 tips with sample layouts for ways to cut down the time it takes to create a great layout.
Chapter 3 - Preventing Madness
This chapter recognizes that things don't always go your way, but also offers over two dozen tips for keeping the creating fun.
Chapter 4 - Using What You've Got
There are 14 tips included in this chapter for making the most of your supplies and tools.
Chapter 5 - Getting Tech Savvy
Whether you're a tech novice or expert, this chapter includes 16 great tips for using technology to enhance your crafting time.
Chapter 6 - Finding Inspiration
Sometimes half the challenge is feeling inspired to create during the little time you have. This chapter recognizes 14 ways to get inspired.
Also included in each chapter are special sidebars including: Kick-Start Challenges, Timesaving Tools, #1 Way to..., and Busy Scrapper Spotlights.
This book includes over 90 amazing projects bythe author herself as well as many talented scrap artists such as Greta Hammond, Virginia Williams, Linda Albrecht, Heather Burch, Nic Howard, Jennifer Pebbles, Kelly Goree, and Brenda Carpenter.
This book is a great inspiration to any scrapper, especially those that are under time constraints.
Visit the The Busy Scrapper: Making The Most Of Your Scrapbooking Time page at You can also read more of my reviews for other recommendations.
Get Creative with Type: Fun Typography Ideas and Tips for Scrapbooking by Brian Tippetts
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
:LINKS: Scrap mag resourses...
However, many of them have a huge amount of resources available on their website even to those who don't subscribe.
Here's just a few great examples.
Memory Makers:
Many of their best editorial content is available to read online and they have a collection of some really great digital freebies including this beautiful Bohemian Summer Kit by Michelle Coleman (shown below) that would be perfect for the spring and Easter pages we're all thinking about right now.
Many of the current MM Masters also have their own blog and one of my favorites is Crystal Jeffrey Rieger as she often offers some really great creations of her own for free download as well!
Scrapbooks etc.:
In addition to some featured articles, you can also find some awesome photo collage templates (here and here) like the one shown below that make creating multi-photo layouts a breeze, a wealth of sketches for the scrap happy lifter, and an amazing array of paper piecing patterns for those with piecing patience.
Creating Keepsakes:
I love getting my new issue of CK because I know that with every issue, there are bound to be a few more downloadable goodies on their website. For the recently received May issue, there were a couple digital frames as part of Jessica Sprague's computer tricks column, Becky's sketch downloads, and this fun Color Me Quiz (I'm a mix of green, orange and blue).
Subscriber or not...don't miss out on all the great resources available online through the biggest names in scapbooking mags!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
:QUOTES: On LIFE by Cathy Allen, Danny Kaye, & Mr. Magorium
"Life brings simple pleasures to us every day. It's up to us to make them wonderful memories."
"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it."
MR. MAGORIUM (as played by Dustin Hoffman in Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium):
“Your life is an occasion; rise to it.”
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
:DAILY INSPIRATIONS: March 2009 Winner!!
........and after the random drawing........Michelle S. of San Antonio is the lucky winner of the March prize:
CONGRATULATIONS, Michelle! Watch your inbox for an email from me shortly with details on how to claim your Cosmo Cricket Get Happy Crafting Kit!
The April 2009 Daily Inspirations has already been posted and this month a prize package of Making Memories goodies is up for grabs! Don't miss out! You can find all the details here.
Monday, April 6, 2009
:SPONSORS: Get it Scrapped! & Simplify 101
Get it Scrapped! has 2 great class offering going live this month.
In Loving Memory with Tania Willis begins on April 9.
- The loss of a loved one and riding the inevitable waves of grief that follow can be one of the most trying and emotional experiences in your lifetime. Tania Willis discovered this personally after losing her mom, very suddenly and quite unexpectedly, in the summer of 2007.
- In this class, Tania will help you complete an album dedicated to a loved one you’ve lost with: prompts, starting points, and challenges to get your thoughts onto the page; photo options for illustrating this tribute and journey of remembrance; sketches and sample layouts; and encouragement and support throughout this process of documenting and healing.
- With a combination of step-by-step written lessons and online support in the class private forum, digital scrapper and photographer Lynn Weber will teach you how to improve your photos using Photoshop Elements 4 through 7 and Photoshop CS through CS4.
Check out the Get it Scrapped! website for further details and registration information!
SPONSOR: Simplify 101
Simplify 101 also has a great workshop starting in April:
Organize Your Paper Clutter Online Workshop
- Paper, paper everywhere! That paper mountain growing on your countertop represents a loss of freedom, a loss of control, and a nagging feeling in your gut that something important isn’t getting attended to. Your paper, and the feelings it creates, makes it hard to relax, focus or even have fun.
- Here’s the good news: there is a better way! With the right paper organizing systems in place—those created with you, your paper, and your home in mind—you can free yourself from paper clutter and the stress that comes along with it. In Organize Your Paper Clutter, you’ll learn a step-by-step process on how to decide if you need a piece of paper (and for how long!) and how to organize it so you’ll find it again right when you need it! Your piles (and your stress!) will be replaced by organizing systems you love, and feelings of confidence, relief and peace of mind!
Check out the Simplify 101 website for further details and registration information.
WOULD YOU LIKE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT BECOMING A SPONSOR OF THE AMOM BLOG? If so, please contact me and I would be happy to provide you with further details.
Friday, April 3, 2009
:CROP: WeScrap Spring it On! Crop
If so, be sure to check out the Spring it On! Crop going on at WeScrap!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
:DAILY INSPIRATIONS: April 2009 Edition
So here it is...the Daily Inspirations April 2009 Edition!! Download now for all kinds of fun and creative prompts to keep you busy all month long!
- Layouts must be new and created for this challenge.
- Upload to your favorite online gallery and leave a link in the comments of the corresponding Daily Inspirations announcement post. A link back to AMOM's Daily Inspirations in your gallery posting would be greatly appreciated, although not required to win. If you do not upload to online galleries, you may email your entry to me at [email protected] (images should be 100K or less, please).
- In comment link or email, please include your name, email and challenge square used for the entry.
- Entries are due by the 5th of the following month. April entries are due May 5th.
- Challenge squares may be combined onto one layout if you wish, but only one chance will be given per layout entry. The more challenge squares you complete, the more chances you have to win!
- A random drawing will be conducted to determine the monthly winner and will be notified by email as well as being announced on the blog.
TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON...Here's a little hint: It's some goodies from Making Memories!
Download the FREE APRIL 2009 DAILY INSPIRATIONS now and start scrapping!!
REMINDER: It's not too late for your chance to win the March 2009 Daily Inspirations! Layouts can be submitted until Sunday, April 5th, 11:59 PM (CST) for a chance to win, so check out the details here.