Did you know that today is Great Poetry Reading Day? To commemorate the day, I challenge you to create a layout commemorating your favorite poem or to use a poem as the journaling for a layout.You can check it out here.
Post them to the “Challenge Contest - April” gallery and title your project like this: “Your title - Jillmarie’s Poetry Challenge”. Be sure to link your creations here also so that we can admire them and I can be sure you receive appropriate points. Good luck and have FUN!!
Due: May 2nd at 11:59 pm EST.
Remember, you always get 2 scrap points for uploading to the gallery, here's your chance to earn a few extra!!
Extra Scrap Points:
1 point for completing the challenge, uploading and linking by due date
2 points if you use create a visual triangle on your layout
3 points if you compose your own original poem for use on your layout
Here is my example layout:
I wrote the poem included on this layout after a piano performance I attended at the college where I work:
simply something like magic…
there was simply something like magic
about the sound that came
with the sway of his body
as he sat that brought a shiver to mine
there was simply something like magic
about the bounce of the light
off the backs of his hands
that brought tears to my eyes
there was simply something like magic
about the movement of his fingers
that made every hope and
dream I ever had well up inside my chest
there was simply something like magic
about the brush of every ivory key -
no matter gentle or full of force -
that had the power to move my heart
there is simply something like magic
about this man, his piano and passionate notes