There was a magician at the College last night, so I decided to take Kaitlin as a little Valentine's Day treat. She has never been to see a magic show before, so she was quite excited about the whole affair.
It started a little late as it was based on college student schedules, not five-year-olds, but she was determined to stay awake so that we could go.
I thought about taking my camera...then didn't...and about 5 minutes into the act realized that this was big mistake (another reason I need to get a good pocket camera).
What does every magician need? Volunteers! And Kaitlin was quick to the draw.
So, Kaitlin goes up on stage to participate in one of the very first tricks with one of our students whom I'll call 'John'.
The magician had a paddle of sorts with a bag attached and he placed a green hankerchief into the bag. He then asked John to reach in the bag and pull out the hankerchief. John reached in, looked, and found nothing.
The magician passed the bag over to Kaitlin and she immediately reached in and pulled out the green hankerchief...she was quite pleased with herself.
The magician asked her to put the hankerchief back in the bag and turned it back over to John who, again, couldn't find the hankerchief.
Back to Kaitlin...and, of course, out came the hankerchief.
The magician said, "Boy, John...this isn't looking too good for your college career if Kaitlin here, a five-year-old, can find the hankerchief and you can't."
Kaitlin beemed.