The book is divided into 4 chapters:
1) Touchable TexturesThere are approximately 75 layouts and about 15 other projects including mini books and more. The book includes work from 16 contributing artists including:
2) To Slide or Not to Slide
3) The Skinny on Spinning & Flipping
4) A Passion for Pop-ups
*Jodi AmideiMY REVIEW:
*Vicki Boutin
*Karen Burniston
*Alecia Grimm
*Greta Hammond
*Linda Harrison
*Becky Heisler
*Nic Howard
*Caroline Ikeji
*Jen Lowe
*Kelli Noto
*Suzy Plantamura
*Torrey Scott
*Samantha Walker
*Courtney Walsh
*Amanda Williams
I was certainly excited to see work by some of my favorite scrapbooking artists like Greta Hammond, Linda Harrison and Nic Howard. There was also some wonderfully inspiring layouts from artists I had not yet heard of.
I'd have to say that the first chapter, Touchable Textures, was my least favorite in the book. Although I think that including texture on layouts is important, it seemed like some of the example layouts were just piling on the products for products sake...not a technique I am fond of.
The second chapter, To Slide or Not to Slide, is the one I could most relate to as I often include journaling and/or extra photos on hidden elements - pull-out tags, sliding elements, accordion books, etc. Honestly, though, I can't say that I found anything that I haven't used before.
The last two chapters did contain several interesting techniques that I haven't seen before and some that I could see myself giving a whirl in future projects. There were several different variations of peek-a-boo spinning elements and a 'magic' photo technique in which a B&W turns colored (or vice versa) that I found very intriguing.
Many of the techniques in the final pop-up chapter are certainly beyond anything I've tried and honestly, are probably techniques that would be a little too time consuming considering the limited amount of time I have to devote to my scrapbooking (I do work full-time, after all!). At the same time, it might be the ticket for someone who has the time and is looking for a new way to 'stretch' their scrapbooking skills.
Overall, I did glean some inspiration from this book, but there have certainly been many other idea books I've perused lately that far outshine this one.
I am always curious and open to hearing the opinions of others. If you own or have read this book, please feel free to share your opinion of it in the comments below.
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