Amazon Description:
Here’s expert advice on the subject that inspires more scrapbooks than any other: kids. From creative ways to embellish layouts to enlightening advice on journaling, this collection offers more than 100 fantastic pages designed by today’s top scrapbooking creators. Explore fresh ideas for commemorating everything from playgroup fun to sporting events. Learn how to use color and texture, get tips on incorporating memorabilia such as artwork and report cards. Plus, Kodak provides insights on snapping pictures
worth treasuring.
I have been curious for awhile what these Kodak books would be like, so I broke down and ordered one. I have to say that I was a little disappointed by this one...I was sure to purchase one of their most recent publications (January of 2007), but still the products and the layouts themselves seemed a little dated. Another thing that I didn't care for is that there were no product listings (maybe because they were so dated), but when I did find a paper or something I liked, I had no way to tell what it was...kind of a bummer.
2 1/2 STARS